What is Color Wheel?Ī color wheel or color circle is an abstract illustrative organization of color hues around a circle, which shows the relationships between primary colors, secondary colors, tertiary colors etcĪ color wheel based on RGB (red, green, blue) or RGV (red, green, violet) is an additive color wheel Alternatively, the same arrangement of colors around a circle with cyan, magenta, yellow (CMYK) is a subtractive color wheel.
Once you learn how to use it and its hundreds of color combinations, the color wheel can provide a helpful reference when deciding what colors to try in your design, home, etc. Every decorative color combination can be defined by where it resides on the color wheel, a diagram that maps the colors of the rainbow.The color wheel makes color relationships easy to see by dividing the spectrum into 12 basic hues: three primary colors, three secondary colors, and six tertiary colors.
The color wheel is a simple tool based on color theory that can help answer that question. When picking colors, one of the most common concerns is deciding which hues go together. About Color Wheel Tool Using Color Theory